2017 California Loan Limits

UPDATED 2018 loan limits in California The table below lists new loan limits for counties in California all real estate mortgages starting January 1st, 2017. Those figures are based on new Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guidelines. This is the first time since 2006 the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (FHFA) increases the limitsfor mortgages acquired… Continue reading 2017 California Loan Limits

2015 California Loan Limits

The table below lists new 2015 California Loan Limits for all real estate mortgages starting January 1st, 2015. Those figures are based on new Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guidelines. There are 12 counties in California affected by new loan limits: ALAMEDA, CONTRA COSTA, LOS ANGELES, MARIN, ORANGE, SAN BENITO, SAN FRANCISCO, SAN MATEO, SANTA… Continue reading 2015 California Loan Limits

Foreign National Loans

Foreign national can obtain loans to buy real estate in the US Real estate in the United States has always been interested by people from all over the world. Yet, there are many myths and misconceptions on who actually can buy real estate properties in the US. In general, anyone can buy and own US… Continue reading Foreign National Loans

Categorized as Mortgages